Sunday, July 22, 2012

What's New :)

So it was a super fun weekend in Chicago.  Tyler, Keith and I helped Ty's mom move some stuff into her new place and we went out to our favorite sushi place before seeing the Dark Knight Rises on Friday night at the coolest movie theater ever (Muvico in Rosemont).  We spent some quality time with Ty's mom Michelle, his future step dad Sal, his brother Alex and his Sister Rachel and her new boyfriend Cody.  We went to Six Flags: Great America on Saturday.

We rode most of our favorite roller coasters besides the awful heat and extremely long lines.  We rode the brand new one called X Flight it was super fun. 

 Saturday night we went out for dinner at Sal's families pizza place.  We had to get up at 4:30 this morning so that we could be downtown by 6:00 for Chicago Rock N' Roll half-marathon that Keith was in.  

We rode the train downtown, saw Keith off and then waited outside Starbucks for 15 minutes until they opened.  We had a cup of coffee and met Keith at his 6th mile. 

 We walked around for a bit and then went to see him cross the finish line.  Tyler and I saw a runner carrying her friend on her back after she hurt her leg.  The medics tried to take her friend off her and pull her aside but her friend wanted to carry her across the finish line.  This was all happening while the chorus of Stronger by Kelly Clarkson was playing.  It was a very movie like moment.  Afterwards we got some breakfast we were going to head over to the after race celebration where Cobra Starship was going to preform but we were all kinda pooped so we headed home for a nap.  We had a family dinner at Chili's before heading out of town.  

We made it back in really good time with no bad weather or any other issues which is always nice.  It certainly feels good to be home and it will feel even better to sleep in my own bed tonight.  I have to work all week 10-5 so that's a bummer but I've got to pay the bills.  Alex decided to come back and stay with us for a week or two so that will be fun as well.  I start my training at Veridian this coming week so I am super pumped for that.  The training is in Cedar Rapids so that's kind of inconvenient  but it will be worth it.   My papa and grandma are coming to visit this weekend before my papa starts another round of chemo.  I hope I am able to spend some time with them.  Not much else is going on.  It has been a busy busy weekend, I am ready to relax and head back to school here in a month!  Time for bed.

JennaBoBenna :)

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