Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Papa Bear :)

Well today is July 10th.  I haven't posted in awhile for a number of reasons.  I have been sick, working and out of town.  I am writing today from the waiting room at Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  My mom, aunt and I made the trip here yesterday.  My papa was supposed to have surgery to remove his esophageal cancer.  We just got called back to chat with the doctor about an hour ago.  The cancer has spread to his colon, pancreas, and liver.  It is a hard day for my family.  My papa is our rock.  He is strong and smart and brave and he is one of the best men I know.  As I look back today at pictures and thinking about different memories; it is hard to fight back the tears.  This outcome was not when any of us had expected.  (He mowed the lawn yesterday!)  We will continue to fight with him and for him and we won't give up.  We know he won't give up either.  He has taught me so many things in my life:  If you want it.. go get it AND if there is a will there is a way :)

Love you Papa <3

I know you will be there for my graduation and my wedding! I am counting on it!

JennaBoBenna :) 

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