Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It's Hump Day!

Just a random title.. My post will have nothing to do with humping in any way shape or form. :)
So I am going home on Friday and I cannot wait to see my mom and my puppy and the rest of my family!  It has been way too long.  I also love Urbandale during 4th of July time.  The carnival, and the street dance, and the parade!  I might see a couple of high school friends when I am home too.

I  mentioned in a post earlier this week that my check engine light in my car went off so I got really excited.  Now, my air conditioning is not working and the screeching under my tires is getting worse and worse by the day.  My gas light is about to come on too....thank goodness that is easily fixed, not cheap but easy haha.  I have been driving to houses all over since I have been cleaning for Helping Hands and driving to work at TjMaxx, so 20 bucks didn't last me very long.

I am getting nervous too.  I haven't seen my papa since he was diagnosed with cancer.  I hope nothing has changed about him.  He was there when I was born and he has been such a big part of my life.  He has been there for every major event in my life and I don't want that to stop anytime soon.  He is strong and brave and besides the cancer is really healthy.  I know he can make it through anything because he has taught me that I can.  His surgery to remove his cancer is on the 10th.  My mom and I and my aunt are heading up there to help my grandma take care of him.  He will have to have home health care and a feeding tube for some time. If I had the choice I would stay with him till he was fully recovered but then my rent would go unpaid and I don't think the management company would appreciate that very much.  Please keep my family in your prayers these next couple of weeks.  We certainly need and appreciate them! :)

I have another slightly less important predicament.  I need to change my hair and I am unsure what to do.  Should I keep it long and dye it cool colors or should I cut it off and get low lights?  The last time I had short hair I think I was 14, like a freshman in high school.  I really liked it then so why not now..right?
Here are a couple of pictures I am using for inspiration.  Please let me know what you think!!


I really like those yourecards things.  So many of them apply to my life in so many ways haha.  I am going to post a bunch that I really like later tonight or tomorrow morning,.  Look forward to them!

JennaBoBenna :)

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