Sunday, June 24, 2012


I feel so silly because I forgot to bring some pretty important things to attention in my introductory blog post.
1.  I currently live with my boyfriend Tyler in Iowa City.  We have been together for 2 years and 3 months.  We love to watch movies, play with Lois and Louie and hang out with friends!  He is one of the most amazing people I know and I would be totally lost without him.
2.  I have thee most amazing mother in the world.  I miss her terribly every single day.  She is hard-working, strong and incredibly brilliant.  She has taught me everything I know and I would not be successful at anything if it wasn't for her support, encouragement, motivation, and guidance.  I cannot wait to see her on Friday.
3.  I totally forgot to mention my favorite show SONS OF ANARCHY! I cannot believe I did that.  haha :) 

The show is awesome and everyone should watch it.  

Also, Tyler and I watched a pilot on HBO tonight, the show was called the Newsroom.  It was really good.  It's basically about a very famous news anchor with a bad attitude and a lot to say.  During one of first scenes he is on a panel at Northwestern and a student asks a very intriguing question:  In one sentence or less...What makes America the best country in the world?   I think his answer is amazing. The link is below.  

The first story they cover in the Newsroom is the Gulf Oil Spill and that is really interesting too.  The show just premiered tonight so I can't post the whole episode but I would definitely recommend watching it.  I am not very political and I don't pay a lot of attention to the news.  I don't know if it is because I don't really understand or I don't care about all of it but there a segment in the show tonight that really spoke to me about news and politics and I think that this show is going to serve a true purpose.  

And just for a quick update on my life... :)
I started a new job cleaning houses for a friend of my families and so far it is going really well and I am super excited that I got this opportunity.  I am working at TjMaxx too, so I am working 2 jobs for now.  I am super proud of myself because I don't have to ask my mom for rent money this month!  It sounds like I'm growing up guys!! haha :)  I am going home this weekend to see my mom, grandma and grandpa and my papa and grandma are visiting from Michigan.  I haven't seen my grandma and grandpa in a couple of months and I haven't seen my papa and grandma in over a year!  My papa is undergoing treatment for esophageal cancer so it is really important that I spend some quality time with him.  I am excited to see Ralphie too!  I am going to miss Tyler, Lois and Louie back in Iowa City and I am going to miss out on a trip to Dana's lake house but it will be worth it.  Oh and the check engine light went off in my car so that is always good!!

I plan on posting some cool pictures and recipes tomorrow so get excited! :)

JennaBoBenna :)

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