Saturday, July 14, 2012


You really never know what life is going to throw at you.  Everyone always says when it rains it pours.  What sucks is that I have never heard a positive version of that saying.  You never hear anyone say oh yeah one good thing happened to me then a ton of things did right after.  

I am back home and back to work after my trip to Michigan.  I am still really shaken up and thrown off by the whole thing.  I am so lucky to have the support that I do.  I thank all my friends and family for that everyday.  It was so good to spend time with my grandma and to walk into the hospital Thursday morning and see my papa's bright and shining face drinking his coffee and reading the paper.  He went home today from the hospital and he is starting to feel much better.  His oncologist is still out of town so we won't know the plan until he gets back.  I can sleep a little bit easier tonight knowing that my papa is in his own home and that he is comfortable.  It was really hard to leave him but I know that he is in good hands.  My grandma loves him more than anything and she is so wonderful.  His doctors are amazing as well.  And of course God is with him every second through this storm.

On a lighter note I just got a new job.  I am beginning work at Veridian Credit Union as a teller in Iowa City in a couple of weeks.  I am pretty excited about it too!  It was hard to be excited at first but now that everything is sinking in and getting back to normal I can be happy for myself.  It is going to pay me really well and it is super close to school and my apartment. 

I am really excited for school too.  I met with my academic adviser on Friday and everything is going as planned.  I will be graduating in May.  I seriously cannot believe I am at this stage in my life.  I always wanted to be here when I was younger and now its happening and I don't know what to expect.  There are so many things going on in my head and I have so many options who knows what will happen come June of next year.  All I know is that I will be celebrating my mom's 50th birthday and 21st birthday surrounded by our favorite people somewhere warm and tropical!  We are thinking Turks and Caicos!  Has anyone been there?  I would love to hear about it!

Your continued thoughts and prayers are much appreciated :)

JennaBoBenna :) 

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