Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Updates :)

        Holy crap it has been forever since I have blogged.  I have been so busy with last minute trips home, the state fair, getting ready for school, working and a baby shower!  I have finally had a couple of extra minutes to breathe.

I don't have a lot of time tonight since I just finished homework and I still need to eat dinner and clean my apartment.  So I will give y'all a brief overview of whats going on until I can sit down and do a full post.

1.  My aunt Meg had her baby shower this last weekend.  My grandma and I traveled to Chicago to help my aunt and her hubby celebrate their baby boy Henry and to deliver his cradle that my Grandpa hand-made and the bedding my Grandma sewed.  It was a really fun time :)

2.  I started my senior year of college yesterday! (wow...)  and I couldn't be happier with my classes, professors, etc. so far!!  

3.  Tyler and I are doing well.  Finally completely settled into our apartment and working on establishing our school routine.  Overall we are enjoying our little place and each other :)

4.  Ralph is coming to stay with Ty and I in a couple weeks when my mom goes to Mexico with her BFF.  Hopefully him and Lois will get along okay so that Ralph can come live here permanently.  My fingers are crossed!

5.  I have been in my own drawer at Veridian for a week now.  I have balanced my drawer perfectly every day and I really enjoying getting to know my co-workers!  The ladies at my branch are too fun :)

6.  Tyler and I have been thinking about our plans for this coming summer since we will be graduating in the spring.  (still cant believe it).  So far we are thinking that we are going to move to Louisville, Kentucky.  Tyler and I have been doing lots of research and we both really like it.  Hopefully we can save up and take a trip down during spring break in March to check it out.

7.  My papa started his next round of Chemo today.  He is feeling okay but the best.  He is eating alright but has been very tired and has had severe nausea.  Everyone please keep him in your prayers.  We are all fighting for him <3

8.  I love life and I honestly could not be happier right now...  well I take that back I would love a little extra cash but hell I can't complain.  I have thee best boyfriend and mother in the whole world and everything seems to be falling into place.  

Love, Jenna Rose   :)

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