Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I'm Back!

Holy goodness it has been forever since I have blogged.  Life has been too crazy and I haven't had a free minute to sit down and vent.  So much has happened since August.  I am on campus right now and I do have some homework to do so I will just update ya'll on the major happenings.  

1.  I am graduating from the University of Iowa in 4 weeks.  Thank the Lord because Iam so sick of this place.
2.  Tyler and I have now been together for 3 years and we are getting ready to sign a new lease at an apartment in Schaumburg, IL.
3.  I haven't found a job or an internship for after graduation yet but not for the lack of trying.
4. I no longer work for Veridian.  I have been with McGregor's Furniture since January and it pays the bills.
5. Ralphie is living with us in Iowa City full-time and we are loving having him :)
6. My papa, my grandpa who had been the topic of many of my summer posts, passed away the morning after Christmas.  My family was devastated.  We miss him desperately but are learning to cope and rebuilding our lives.
7.  Lastly, I have been drowning in homework.

Other than that I can't complain.

Until next time,
